iPhone X
iPhone X weighs 6.14 ounces and has a 5.8” (diagonal) display with a 2436x1125 resolution, True Tone and wide color display (P3), 3D touch, fingerprint-resistant oleophobic coating as well as support for display of multiple languages and characters simultaneous. Its TrueDepth front-facing 7MP is equipped with Hybrid IR filter and has two cameras on the back: a 12MP wide-angle camera and telephoto camera. The telephoto camera has a ƒ/2.4 wide angle camera has a ƒ/1.8 aperture with digital zoom up to 5x, capable of recording 4K video recording at 24 fps, 30 fps, or 60 fps with extended dynamic range for video up to 30 fps and Slo-mo video support for 1080p at 120 fps or 240 fps. It has optical image and cinematic video stabilization (1080p and 720p). It is splash, water and dust resistant - Rated IP68 (maximum depth of 2 meters up to 30 minutes). The back is glass with Quad-LED True Tone flash and a stainless steel band around the frame. The side button is on the right side of the device.

iPhone X Loudspeaker Replacement
